Account Application


This application form relates to financial products which have been designed for individuals, SMSF trustees and other entities which are residents of Australia only. It is intended for persons who have received the Product Disclosure Statement (electronically or otherwise) in Australia only. If you are not resident in Australia, it is your responsibility to comply with the laws of the jurisdiction in which you reside if you decide to invest in a Fund.

You should read the relevant fund's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) , Additional Information Booklet / Reference Guide and Target Market Determination (TMD) before completing this application form.

References to a fund PDS in this Application Form refer to the PDS of the releveant Fund, including any information incorporated by reference in that PDS in accordance with Corporations Act (as contained within the Additional Information Booklet/Reference Guide).

Warakirri Asset Management Ltd ("Warakirri") is the Responsible Entity for its own funds and those managed by Flinders Investment Partners. This application allows you to establish an account with Warakirri and/or Flinders and invest in the funds.

The Warakirri Diversified Agriculture Fund (Fund) and Warakirri Cash Deposits Trust (Trust) are available for investment only to wholesale clients, being persons or entities who satisfy the 'wholesale client' requirements of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act). Wholesale clients include professional investors such as listed entities, Australian Financial Services licensees, regulated superannuation funds and persons who control net assets of at least $10 million or, individuals investing at least $500,000 in a fund or, high net wealth individuals whom a qualified accountant has certified have net assets of at least $2.5 million or gross income of at least $250,000 for each of the two preceding financial years. To invest in the Fund/Trust you must meet the eligibility requirements set out in the Information Memorandum (IM). The IM is not a PDS and contains important information you should consider before making an investment decision in relation to the Fund/Trust. Please contact if you need assistance in determining the appropriate documentation required to certify that you are a wholesale client.
Thank you for choosing to open an account with us.

Let us know what type of account you would like to open.
Select your account type *  
Trustee type *